我们正在与CCIE社区沟通,鉴于COVID-19 (冠状病毒)的持续传播以及为减轻其影响而在全球范围内采取的行动,所有CCIE实验室测试中心都已关闭,自2020年3月16日起生
Learning @ Cisco团队
We understand that you are scheduled to take an upcoming CCIE lab exam. However, given the continued spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and the actions being taken worldwide to mitigate its impact, all CCIE lab testing centers are being closed until further notice, effective March 16, 2020. You will receive a voucher that you can use after the test centers reopen.
We are evaluating the situation week by week, and if it is possible to reopen our testing centers before April 26, 2020, you may have the opportunity to take the current version of the exam. After April 27, 2020, we will transition to the new exam as planned. The new exam is designed to cover the technology expertise you need to be a leader in this rapidly changing industry.
As technology continues to evolve and software defined networking becomes increasingly important to support business operations and even business continuity in times of uncertainty such as this, we feel it’s imperative to move our certification program to the next level. To support you and other CCIE candidates who were scheduled to take the current lab exam and were impacted due to COVID-19, we would like to offer you the following resources:
A free, all access, one-year subscription to the Cisco Platinum Learning Library, which includes all our online certification and technology training, with more than 600 continually updated courses, over 200 interactive instructions and practical hands-on labs for advanced skills building. This subscription is valued at $6000.00, and also can be leveraged to earn continuing education credits toward recertification or other new Cisco certifications.
A Cisco webinar seriesdesigned to help you prepare for the new technology evolution.
A Cisco Learning Network online community forum, where you can ask questions, get input from Cisco experts and learn from your peers.
We deeply regret any inconvenience this situation has caused and will continue to communicate closely with you by email and on this blog as conditions continue to change. There is no need for you to create a case at this time, as we will be reaching out to you directly. We appreciate your understanding of our position for your safety and for the safety of others and will send more information on vouchers and Cisco Platinum Learning Library access under separate cover.
Best regards,
The Learning@Cisco Team